A review by atalinay
Naoki Urasawa's 20th Century Boys, Vol. 2: The Prophet, by Naoki Urasawa

Damn that was a great volume!

That virus plotline is too real. It follows us everywhere.

About the lead the detective had:
SpoilerDetective got close to the case and was taken out by partner before reconciling with his daughter.
I knewwww it was too good to be true. fudgeeee.

This Kamisama character is real cool. His plan to get Kenji to the location was hilarious. Here I was thinking he wouldn't be able to convince him.

I appreciate Yukiji and Kiroko being bad ass strong women. Almost too cool and probably got the short end of the stick following Kenji as the MC. Or not. Hes still cool and we need a common dude to ground us into someone we can relate to tho.

That ending is great. I thought that the mystery on who the Friend was would be a bigger mystery, and it could still be, but that probably means there is more action in the next volumes that will expand the story.

Personal spoilery notes on the plot so I don't forget:
Kiriko- older sister
Yanbo and Mabo- twin bullies
Yukiji: hero
Manjome Inshu (superpower:bends spoons)
Otcho invented the secret symbol
Grandpa asking Hiroyuki about Shoheichan Birthday ??
^High up in the police
^Tension with daighter, Yumiko, for being absent-ish
Death from Vol1 was bc virus
Pierre Spiritual Society- beef is found btwn them and Friends (leader killer in Vol.1)
Cho-san and partner went to see teacher form '71 class: spoon bending incident
Partner kills Cho-san
Otcho spotted in Tibet years ago
Kamisama: homeless; probably god, prophetic
^dreams of Y2K jk jk just bio weapons ending Japan prolly
Flashback to Kiriko being a bad ass sister
Morohoshi (old friend of Kiriko), died (pushed in front of train by white Hawaiian shirt?)
^Hawaiian shirt dude seems slightly psychic; uses it to get a girl to get close to her dad who
works with robots
Stabbed man asks for Kenji. Asks Kenji whats next and he flashes back to when they were kids and
he made up stuff about saving the world and and evil org etc etc. Stabby dude admits to killing
Donkey :(