A review by bodebeabay
The Dragon's Heart by Eden Ashe


[b:The Dragon's Heart|18838102|The Dragon's Heart (Dragon Lore, #1)|Eden Ashe|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1384818529s/18838102.jpg|26780339] (Dragon Lore, #1) by [a:Eden Ashe|7262875|Eden Ashe|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1413870958p2/7262875.jpg] is a Paranormal Romance with a good bit of Suspense/Action.

I would also classify this as New Adult. The sexual situations are just enough to need the qualification. I would NOT classify this as adult, nor erotic, etc. In my eyes, that puts this book in the 18 to 25 age bracket.

My 2 stars is based on the Goodreads rating, which makes this book 'It's Okay'. I liked the premise. The beginning was awesome and got me excited about reading it. Then it began to deteriorate. It became excruciatingly repetitive. I literally found it putting me to sleep from the repetitions of the H/H thoughts.

My second big problem with the story was the extensive amount of unnecessary words. This hindered the flow of the story.

Ex. #1 of repetitions,
"Even now, the possessiveness he felt for her scared the shit out of him, screwed up his thinking. He knew heโ€™d kill for her. Die for her."
It is repeated so often and in so many ways, it becomes meaningless and boring. The same thing happens with Shelby's character and other elements in the story.

Ex. #2 of unnecessary words,
"It shook him to the very core of who he was to realize he wanted to make this work with her."
Should read,
"It shook him to his core to realize he wanted to make this work."
This was the smallest sample I could find. If all the unnecessary words were blue penciled out, then used to up the speed, action, suspense, world and character build, this story would have easily been a 4 to 5 star read!

There are also various editing errors in the form of missing words, etc. I don't know who Ms. Eden Ashe's editor is. Nor do I know who she uses as review and ARC readers. But they should all be ashamed of themselves.