A review by mystic_dclouds
Good Morning, Gorillas by Mary Pope Osborne


Jack and Annie are off on their second adventure to find a special kind of magic. This time there are whisked back into the mountains of Africa where they encounter a baby gorilla. As they spend time with the baby gorilla and it’s family they learn quite a few new ways of communication and the importance of togetherness.

I enjoyed this installment. Through Jack we see the struggles one faces when communicating with someone who doesn’t speak the other’s language. It was creative how it was used as a key driver to keep the story going. Also, I liked how in the end once Jack understood how to communicate he wasn’t feeling lonely and was having fun with the gorillas.

As usual, Annie is great with animals. Her sense of communication and understanding is beyond comparison yet unusual. I do wonder if we’ll ever get to know the secret of how Annie came about such a great and powerful communication skill.

The plot of this installment is quite calm compared to other installments. Much like the previous book there is no immediate danger to the siblings or the time they are visiting. Instead it’s a much calmer journey of experiencing their surroundings and learning new things.

Similar to the last book and this book, the magic learned is something Annie is already well acquainted and experienced with. Jack on the other hand, is learning it for the first time. I would have enjoyed this book more if it was a type of magic both siblings were learning for the first time because then the excitement experienced by both would have been much greater and magical.

Overall, this was a fun story to read. It’s a quick read with a great message of trying to learn new languages and the different types to communicate and enjoy more!

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