A review by nglofile
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty


3.5 stars. Darker than expected. Not that there weren't moments of lightness, and the characters (and caricatures) on display could always be counted on for satirical bite, but we spent more time in bleak circumstances than I had anticipated. Don't get me wrong: not only do I not mind plumbing the depths, I often seek it out. This was just one of those crisscrossing narratives that seemed to amass issues (with a capital "I") a-plenty. If we weren't able to recognize so many qualities in those we've encountered in real life, we might say it was overly contrived. As it is...

audiobook note: I refuse to ever experience a Liane Moriarty book except in audio as recorded by the magical Caroline Lee. Frankly, when I was struggling with some of the thematic turns, it was only the fact that I trusted her to bring me through with laughter, tension, tears, and warmth that kept me going. Her expert narration is the reason I'm rounding up rather than down, and she is an impeccable match for Moriarty's writing and frame.