A review by yurana
Cable, Volume 3: Stranded, by Paul Gulacy, Duane Swierczynski


Mhm, this whole story begins o annoy me. The whole Bishop vs. Cable thing just drags out waaaay to long and the longer it drags out the more time I get to think about how Bishop's motivation is completely nonsensical: Both Cable and Bishop acknowledge that the timeline they are in is not their own future, but one in which Hope did not return and the mutants died out.... so how would killing Hope change any of this and wipe out this timeline they're in? Did Bishop think about this... maybe for one second... maybe before he destroyed the whole planet?... So we have a villain who is completely insane... and the same story over and over again: He tries to kill the girl, Cable rescues her in the last second.

Now for my problem with this particular storyline:
SpoilerWhy would our new character (who's name I have already forgotten) fall in love with Hope? The first thing she does is threatening his life. It's also the second and third thing she does. Is it because she is the only person with hair left on the entire planet? Why does he help her? It's just... Hope is not a very nice person (which is understandable), so this makes no sense to me. Well I guess it does't matter because apart from helping Hope and falling in love with her when they are twelve he has no character to speak of anyway.

I think the biggest problem of this series is, that despite it being the story of Hope growing up, we never get a sense of who she really is. Or rather we see her grow up to become a one dimensional stock character: The tough soldier girl with a heart of gold. I hoped for something more interesting.