A review by 2frangipani2
The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life by Robin S. Sharma


This book was way (!) longer than it needed to be. I fully understand what the author was trying to do by putting a story around the teachings, but it did not work for me at all. He just does not seem to be a storyteller. I found the story unconvincing and really corny. Not to mention some actual inconsistencies in the story.
The book was also stuffed with inspirational quotes which I found very distracting. To me, if you need 15 quotes to underline your message than something is not going well.
This distraction also made it difficult for me to concentrate on the book and I found that actual important lessons in the book did not stick well with me.
Not to mention the book built in a lot of unnecessary delays for lessons and the lessons were not completely new.
There is some good in the book and I personally do want to try to join the 5 am club. However, since the book was filled with so much unnecessary information it did not spend any time on how you can really implement this, or just flew over those parts.
The reality for me is that before I can start getting up earlier I need to sort my current routine out to be able to get to bed earlier. Making that switch is not easy, especially for someone that has a full-time job and many obligations. Why was this not something the book focused on?
Personally I am not fully convinced of the benefits that are described, but I would like to try it. It is a shame that the book did not give more advice also for different types of lifestyles.