A review by bfdbookblog
His Convenient Husband by Robin Covington


2.5 Stars so rounding up to 3

Man I wanted to like this book…but for the most part it was OK at best. This is my first read by this author and I don’t know if I’ll be back for seconds on this series. The story is very predictable even though the premise is unique for me and one I liked very much.

I try to start my reviews with what I liked unfortunately this list will be a little short.
- I liked Victor mostly (I explain why it’s not wholly later in the review). Him standing up for the injustice in his country was amazing. He’s great with Evan. He’s a ballet dancer. The history of his life is heartbreaking and he’s surprisingly upbeat, positive and happy despite the pain he’s endured.

- I liked Evan. He’s a complex character with amazing potential if written right when he’s older.

- I’m assuming Ian will get a story. He was another favorite character of mine. He’s a great friend, funny and unapologetic but he’s hiding behind a façade that I hope translates into a fantastic story.

- Esther is another valuable side character in the story.

Now for what let me down in the story.
- Isiah was not likeable at all. He was so awful to Victor to the extreme that I’m not sure Victor wouldn’t have been better off taking his chances elsewhere. He is a black, gay football player. I’m guessing he knows bullying and bigotry. He lacked compassion. He was a bully to Victor. The only time he was half way decent to Victor was during the sex scenes and even then, he was pretty closed off emotionally. He is still clearly in love with his dead husband and still hurt by his death. He has decided he doesn’t want to ever go through that again…and then magically he changes his mind and is ready to commit – after being dreadful to Victor repeatedly. The grief and pain he is still holding onto is never resolved…it’s just gone one day and he realizes he needs Victor. His apologies (yep, you read that correctly – there were repeated scenes that required one) were weak and uninspired.

- While I liked Victor overall, my major problem with him was his weakness. Isaiah treated him poorly, walked over him like he was a piece of trash on the ground and Victor’s forgiveness was INSTANT. I was mad longer than he was…and by the time I was fully geared up in my anger it had already happened again. He showed glimpses of strength, perseverance and a spine of steel only for all that to be thrown away with his instantaneous forgiveness of Isaiah's repeated, blatant disregard for him as a human.

- Victor and Isaiah seem to only be compatible between the sheets and when Victor was trying to embrace being in the family he always wanted and going along with whatever Isaiah wanted. I never saw their relationship flourish. Their big ‘reunion’ scene near the end was a bit forced and unbelievable (it also happened in front of a very large audience and their private conversation probably wasn’t as private as they thought which didn’t work for me). The sexual and physical chemistry notwithstanding I don't see how they work.

This story had potential but never lived up to that so it was disappointing for me.