A review by dherzey
All That Glitters by Holly Smale



Okay, okay. I liked the first Geek Girl book and sort-of liked the 2nd and 3rd (even though I might have been a little bit generous) but the 4th? I'm now starting to see a pattern here. It was just the same plot all over again and no amount of character development.

In each book there was a different theme, like how on the 3rd one, Harriet realized that she still belongs in her family and that family is important or something like that (to be honest, I barely remember) and to the two other, Harriet always realized something in the end. There's always some moral in every ending of the Geek Girl books and that was one of the few points I liked about this series. But problem is, whatever "growth" Harriet had on the previous books, it never seem to show in the sequels. It was like the same Harriet all over again, recycled to the very first time we've met her.

So let's talk about the 4th book. In here, Nick is gone after they've broken up in the last book and Harriet, being Harriet, is pushing everyone away by staying all day in her room and drowning herself on trivial facts. She's trying to escape reality again and thinking that everything is about her (seriously, I thought this was resolved in the 2nd book). Nat and Toby won't talk to her anymore so she resolve this by trying to prove that she don't need them and that she could make friends on her own. This could actually be a good development. I mean, the story is straying away from its usual plot! Harriet is beginning to be independent! After her posters and face started to be famous through modelling, Harriet, who was bullied by Alexa and her other classmates for 11 years, was now finding herself surrounded by said classmates but now, they're being nice to her. They're even laughing at her jokes! Harriet, being Harriet, decided that this is a new start. She now have friends and what's more, lots of them! And even though all they wanna talk about are models, celebrities, and stars, who cares? For the first time she's being liked by everyone.

Smells fishy, right?

Nopeeee cause Harriet couldn't see what the fuck is wrong even though it's right in front of her. Fine, maybe, she's desperate. I mean she is fucking sad about Nick. She is crying about Nick. Her bestfriends are not there for her and there's this annoying guy who says horrible things about her. But it doesn't mean that she should be that gullible! I mean all her classmates and so-called friends talk about was her modelling career and how many stars did she know (and Harriet being Harriet thought star, as in literally). There's a point in time when I can accept this but that was lost somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd book. Harriet was supposed to be mature, more grown up after the last 3 books being about her weakness and strengthening them and all. But I can't see any development in her character at all! It's just like the development from the last books didn't happen. And I had enough. I just don't care. Harriet and her clumsiness and silliness used to be funny but now, they are fucking dull and annoying. Everything was just about her because, supposedly, the world revolves around her. She is just fucking stupid.

I know, I know, she did change at the end -- again. And there's some moral, too (like before), which is actually sort of nice. But then it just felt manipulative (even the revelations). It just felt repetitive because, come on, I saw this from the other 3 books of this series. You know, Annabel talking and Harriet realizing something. The whole book is just too boring because I've read this before -- in Japan, in New York, whatever -- that halfway through, I just decided to skim it which I hate doing, by the way, but got no choice because either that or DNF this completely (which I hated more).

The only good thing about this is the addition of two new characters which isn't shown much either. Don't get me wrong, I liked the quirkiness of each characters. They've grown on me. But the story isn't holding much. So do the character developments which is nonexistent (until at the end of the book and then on the next sequel it just goes poof.)

Nothing much different happened here. Same old, same old and just a ton of exasperation. But who knows? There's gonna be 6 books in the series and even though I can't comprehend what more could the last two books could deliver, I'll still give this series a chance. Just that, my expectations are not high at the moment.