A review by beetific
Anything You Can Do by R.S. Grey


Picked this up because I saw it recommended somewhere as very similar to [b:The Hating Game|25883848|The Hating Game|Sally Thorne|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1467138679s/25883848.jpg|45762345], which I absolutely loved. While the first half of this was quite promising, and I more or less enjoyed the premise of the romance, I think the drama and the character development in this fell flat. One of my issues with a lot of romances is that the adults in them tend to act like over-grown teenagers, and I saw that here with Daisy's character; despite being 28 years old and a top-notch recently graduated resident, Daisy was incredibly annoying and childish (hating your next door neighbor for 28 years?? 10 years during which you barely ever interacted with him? being ridiculously competitive at 28 while trying to run a medical practice? hmph).