A review by dlparrott
Latch by LK Collins


This book is an amazing quick read that you will re-read for a long time. It is also a cliffhanger so be prepared, but please please dont let that stop you.

Now Latch, that sexy man who is God's gift to woman, is an escort. He has a regular who he just feels a connection with, she just happens to be a famous baseball players wife. Abby and Latch meet at a grocery and their coneection just couldn't be stopped. It was a matter of time thing. When an unfortunate situation happens it makes them realize that their relationship is more the escort and client.

"From the first time I saw her I knew I was doomed." This pretty much shows us that Latch new she would change him. He has had a rough go of things and he dosen'ttrust easily, but he just knew Abby would change all that.

Abby's husband is enraged that she would do stuff behind his back, even though she is pretty sure he does the same thing. Such a double standard, but i like how the author shows this. Its relatable. With Abby's marriage crumbling but her husband dosen't want a divorce she has no choice. After stuff gets to much her and Latch take a hiatus, but it dosen't last long because their connection is mindblowing.
After many great surpruses they now have the terror of Abby's husband in the picture.

"My insides spark with excitement, short of saying the words, that statement right there lets me know just how much Latch cares for me." This shows that Abby is finally coming to be her old self with Latch. That no matter what she went through with her husband Darrell she is ready to be her with her soulmate.

With this amazing ending, yes a cliffhanger, you cant help but be on pins and needles for the next installment. Latch and Abby may have started out in a not so normal circumstance but im routing for them no matter what.