A review by heyitschzva
Dahanu Road by Anosh Irani


Anosh Irani happened to be the writer-in-residence at my university this past winter, which is what spurred me to pick up this book. Hearing him talk about his work gave great insight to the story itself, however I don't think that there is any need for prior knowledge about the Zorastrian faith before reading.

Anosh is a very engaging writer, the narrative drawing you in immediately. The story alternates between the narrative of Zairos, the young grandson of Sharur Irani, a wealthy Indian landowner, and his grandfather. Zairos is faced with the trial of discovering the body of one of his workers hanging from one of his mango trees, and informing the man's daughter of her father's death. The real trial emerges when Zairos finds that he is falling in love with the young woman, who is of a much lower caste than Zairos (in fact she is a tribal slave). It is far from a traditional love story, and the incorporation of details about the history and the characters makes you feel as though you really know the characters, and understand the choices that Zairos made by story-end.