A review by nickpalmieri
Green Lantern, Volume 3: Brother's Keeper by Philip Bond, Rodney Ramos, Dale Eaglesham, Mike McAvennie, Judd Winick


Judd Winick's run on Green Lantern is a strange case. He's an odd fit for the title- his writing definitely benefits from being on a more "edgy" title like Outsiders or Green Arrow. His characters all have a similar voice here (which is probably just his own), but even so, he excels at creating great dramatic situations and showing how these characters react to them. The actual words may be a bit off, but the characters' actions and intentions behind the words are spot-on. Winick is also clearly new to writing superheroes here, which is especially apparent when looking at his handling of the "superheroic" scenes. The scenes are fun and creative, but there's nothing particularly memorable about the superhero/villain plot. So, it's a good thing that the book's final three issues (the bulk of the five-issue book) are dealing with personal issues and drama. However, that positive is only truly a positive if you've read Winick's previous Lantern volumes and see the payoff to those stories. Also, the first story (the superheroic one) introduces a conflict that isn't really resolved here, but continues on in the JSA series- so this is absolutely NOT a book to jump into without reading others first.

The art is solid, not too much to comment on here. But the coloring is great, a pretty and effective mix of bright superhero colors with more modern digital effects.

This is a book for those who have kept up with Winick's Lantern books (vol 1, "New Journey, Old Path" and vol 2, "The Power of Ion"). But this volume is definitely not a good starting place for Green Lantern. If you're interested in reading this run, I also recommend reading "Circle of Fire" before vol 1 and "The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan" between vol 1 and 2, to get a more complete story. If you're just interested in Green Lantern and haven't read any of it before, start with the Geoff Johns stuff.