A review by kelseyjobrien
The Children of Odin: Nordic Gods and Heroes, by Thomas A. DuBois, Padraic Colum


This is a good introduction to Norse mythology. When I picked this book up, I was looking for an overview of all the stories that make up the mythology, and this met my expectations.

It read like a detailed beginning to all the myths, and the writing was good, I think. The dialogue between the characters was funny, especially Loki, but he is the god of mischief so I guess that's what you'd expect, and the other details, like the settings and what the people's clothes looked like were written well too.

With that being said, it wasn't super detailed, and it was definitely a quick read that high schoolers and maybe even middle schoolers could read and not have any trouble with, but it was informative, and covered the beginning, middle, and end of the beliefs.

If you're looking for an in depth view of Norse mythology, then you might want to check out something like The Norse Myths by Kevin Crossley-Holland, but if you want a Norse Myths 101 introduction, then this is the book for you.