A review by elyse12
Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto

Did not finish book. Stopped at 76%.
I really wanted to like this, I really wanted to enjoy this and finish this. I didn’t want to DNF but I couldn’t force myself anymore.
Many people will enjoy this book, so I still recommend it to everyone to try. This just wasn’t for me.
Firstly, this is a ReyLo fanfiction. I didn’t know it was, I should’ve looked it up first. Personally, I really don’t like fanfictions just because I don’t want to compare the characters with their original stories. That’s all I see if I read fanfiction.. Not all fanfiction writing is horrible, but there’s a way they’re written for chapters to be posted weekly that I could feel that with this one. 
I don’t mind when main characters are special but Gwen was special for no reason at all. She was handed everything without really much work and it was just unbelievable and annoying. 
The romance was not fun, it really wasn’t.