A review by jaslyn_
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins


this book was fucking trashy and I COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN

and it makes me mad as hell that I enjoyed it. guilty, even

only minus points that the ending felt extremely rushed with no exhale

buildup, annoyance to attraction, all great and on-point. this story feels like two wrecks who found each other. princess protagonist's character was well fleshed while still allowing us to read between the lines. felt that the narrator's character did read a little dry but it became more defined towards the end, though some facets were not clearly built up. I did feel that her insecurity really showed which proved to be one of the more pivotal points of this story, and it should've been fleshed out a bit more at the start instead of making her a hard-ass

Still enjoyed this fun, easy-to-read story