A review by readingqueen83
The Block Party by Jamie Day


Thank you NetGalley and St.Martin’s Press for a complimentary copy of this novel! The book’s title, The Block Party, refers to the annual Memorial Day block party that neighbors on Alton Lane hold every year. But this one year, it literally goes out with a bang!!! A murder takes place! I felt that the entire story was a slow build to the final showdown. Seemed to move really slow at some points. The timeline alternates between last year’s Memorial Day Party and the Present. We are introduced to numerous characters, some crazier, nosier and deadlier than others. Everyone on Alton Lane has secrets. The question is, “Which one is the deadliest?” While this novel was a slow build, I kept wanting to read it till the end to find out what the mystery of the murder was and who the victims was. 3.5 stars round up to 4.
Available July 18, 2023