A review by adventuresofaliterarynature
The Reluctant Duchess by Roseanna M. White


This book had so much going for it before I even started the first page! First of all I love this author's books in general and the first book in this series was absolutely amazing. Secondly I loved Brice's character in The Lost Heiress and couldn't wait to see his story play out. And the last reason was the fact that this is a marriage of convenience story, and anyone who knows anything about my reading habits knows that that is one of my absolute favorite story lines. So with all of those reasons getting me giddy excited I dove in, and lost myself in the amazingness that was The Reluctant Duchess. As I already mentioned I was already a huge fan of Brice's before I began this book and each page only served to make me like him more and more. I loved his selfless nature, his desire to do anything to protect and care for those close to him, his close relationship with God, and the way he was so clearly tuned into, and willing to follow, the Spirit's leading. Rowena was a wonderful heroine as well, and my heart broke for all the pain she'd endured. But I admired the way that she never let it fully break her. Life beat her down time and again but she found a way to keep living. I also loved the fact that she was so authentic and didn't hide who she was. She had such a caring and loving heart and it shone through her actions. Rowena and Brice really were a well matched couple and I loved seeing their relationship and watching their love for each other slowly grow. There were so many moments that completely made me melt, but I won't spoil them! It was also great fun to catch up with the characters from the previous book and see how their lives had played out since we last saw them.
The Fire Eyes were once again the center of the action and mystery and there was enough intrigue to keep me hooked throughout the book. There were even some twists that I didn't even see coming!
So basically this book was one hundred percent awesome and I highly recommend this series! Can't wait for Ella's story!
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.