A review by nicolepeck
Autumn Collection by Sarah M. Eden, Heather B. Moore, Annette Lyon, Stephanie Black, Heather Horrocks, Rachelle J. Christensen


(Received a copy from one of the authors to review.)

I rounded this up from 3.5 stars to give it a 4 on here, as an overall rating. I liked some of these stories a lot more than others and some were just okay, so that's why it's not a solid 4 stars. However, still a fun, light, entertaining, clean read.

A Hound Dog Named Elvis: Fun, extremely cheesy, light romance that looks to be part of a series with some of the same characters by this author. There are Elvis quotes at the beginning of each chapter and a few Elvis references subtly and not so subtly woven into the story itself. This anthology is supposed to have a bit of mystery/suspense to it, but the suspense/mystery in this one is pretty minimal and it sticks to being more lighthearted. However, it was still clean, enjoyable and fun.

Eye for an Eye: I enjoyed this one until the climax, then the "who done it" seemed a little far-fetched to be realistic to me; however, I enjoyed the suspense up until then and the beginnings of the romance between Darien and Mallory.

First Heist: It was fun to read how Mia and Omar (from the author's full-length book Finding Sheba) met and started their relationship. I really enjoyed this story, mostly; however, there were 2 storylines/"jobs" Mia and Omar were on and neither were resolved quite to my satisfaction, because it's a short story. I really thought this short story had such potential to develop both storylines and be a full-length book or even longer novella. Still, I enjoyed reading it and the characters, it just wrapped up a bit too quickly for me. I would have enjoyed reading more detail and see it developed more.

Letter for Two: This is a lighter mystery, nothing scary or sinister or deep, just a light fun mystery of a long lost letter delivered 60 years late and the 2 shy neighbors trying to find who it belongs to and trying to figure out how to date each other in the process. Simple, fun, light and enjoyable.

Silver Cascade Secrets: Another fun read in this collection. This one had a murder needing to be solved and the 2 main characters met and fell in love while coming together to solve it. It was a bit fast paced and I thought it could have been longer to develop some things more, but I still enjoyed it and that it was told from the first-person perspective (which was different from most other stories in these collections I've read, so made for a nice change of pace there). I really liked the addition of 2 recipes at the end of the story, both that Jillian made in the story for Travis. I definitely want to try those out!! I love a good pasta salad and brownies!!

Chocolate Obsessed: I liked the main characters, but the story was too fast/short for me to feel developed enough and the stalker was a bit unbelievable, to me. I realize these are all short stories, but I just needed more from it.