A review by vitsa
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by Jaye Robin Brown


This book irritated me a good bit.
I found Joanna to be very annoying. Of course it was not fair of her father to ask her to hide her true self, but at the same time no one held a gun to her head and she agreed to it. And then she proceeded to be a complete dick to Mary what's her name, she lied and what's worse, she tried to manipulate her into living a lie as well.
Mary herself was a little contradictory, first she was hiding who she was by trying to date a guy for ages and then she was aggressively lesbian overnight. I couldn't really picture her as a real person.
Jo's dad was also a bit of a dick to her. I mean it's sending a very mixed message to make your daughter to lie but tell her you're actually secretly proud of her.
Barnum was a great character and the only annoying thing about him was his stupid acronym name. BTB - seriously, is he a car?
I spent the first 70% of the book annoyed while reading it, and towards the end it kind of turned around a little, but not enough to earn it more than 2 stars.