A review by limabean74
After the Fall by L.G. Castillo


I didn't fangirl out this time on L.G. Castillo but that doesn't mean I can't fangirl out right now. OMG!!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED THIS BOOK!!!! Reading a series is like hanging with old friends. I really didn't realize how much I missed all those crazy angels until the first sentence. I wouldn't wait to find out how Naomi and Lash were doing and what happened to Welita and Chuy. I also wanted to make sure Bear was ok, that crazy dog was a great addition to all the cast of characters in the first book.

Hmmm now were do I begin....

The story starts about a couple weeks after Naomi dies. She is now an Archangel. Lash and her live together in heaven. Naomi has been spending a lot of time training with Gabrielle. Lash is still very angry with Jeremy for killing Naomi and not saving her and Raphael (his father) for the secrets he has kept from them even though it was sort of a punishment (you learn more about that later in the book). Naomi really misses her family and she suddenly realizes Lucifer is up to his old tricks and she needs to stop him before her family and friends get hurt.

I was a little worried when I started that Naomi was with Jeremy who by the way is one of my book boyfriends. You only get a little glimpse of him in the first book but you get to enjoy him a bit more in this one. The chemistry between Naomi and Lash is still as intense as it was in Lash. The book has mild situations since they more or less hint to the act of sex but it's not down and dirty like other books. Honestly I enjoyed it better this way. The story is so wholesome I think it would take something away from it with too much hot and heavy ;) All of the characters are absolutely great and written beautifully. I found myself crying at one part at the end when Naomi is looking down from heaven. I still get all choked up thinking about it. I don't have a favorite character per say but Welita is written just the way you would think a grandmother should be written. I seriously wanted to hug her!

After the Fall is fantastic, I adored the first one and I have to say this one is just as amazing. L.G. Castillo is just a wonderful storyteller and this is a story I can't wait to read more about.

I gave these book 4/5 stars and I highly recommend the series, I can't wait to read Before the Fall to see how it all started.