A review by rohini_murugan
Whole Numbers and Half Truths by Rukmini S


Numbers. That’s what this book is about. Numbers and the resulting interpretations of those numbers.

There weren’t many surprising conclusions and observations. The North-South divide - be it economical or health infrastructure or ideological - we all knew it existed, but just not to what extent. In this book, you do, with the help of some crisp statistics.

Overall, I just felt doom and despair while reading the book - which is a pretty common thing to feel while reading any news regarding my country - but it was also the kind of despair that is hard to counteract with a ‘but what if’. There are no what ifs. This is the data. These are the raw numbers. There’s nothing else than despair in those numbers.

Hopefully, and this is the cheery sunshiny persona in me trying to sneak in, all this data could be useful as a window to help us plan better in the future. With better governance. When a better government comes along. Hopefully.