A review by kandicez
The Bat by Jo Nesbø


I have very mixed feelings about this book. I really liked Harry Hole (Holy, here) and so did everyone else in the book. That's one thing that bugged me. I know charisma exists, but everyone Harry encounters seems to immediately trust and love him as if they've been acquainted for decades, not mere hours or days. Especially when Harry is a "fallen" man. I won't go into how he fell, because that sets up his personality for the series, but it's part of what I liked about him. As a reader. As a human being, if I met Harry, I would be a bit reserved until I had taken his measure, not immediately be willing to place my life in his hands.

Another thing that seemed unrealistic to me was that despite being an office of the law, he seemed to have no budget and no superiors to report to or explain his actions. Now maybe law enforcement is not the same the world over, and of course I am only familiar with America's version, but there can't be unlimited finds, can there? If so, we are doing something very wrong as a country! Harry flew all over and spread money around as if he were a fat cat. It may be realistic, but it didn't seem so to me.

I bought a few of the titles in this series on the recommendation of a friend and I ma hoping I like the others a bit better. I didn't dislike this as my three stars can attest, but I didn't love it. The writing was great and I am willing to forgive a lot of plot snags, and even holes, in the pursuit of good writing, but I will be expecting more from the next.