A review by bookswithbethx
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau


When I started this book, I almost DNF'd because it honestly just reminded me of a mix between The Hunger Games and Divergent (and let's be honest, there are so many stories nowadays that take influence from one of those two series). I was expecting to finish the book with a 2 star review and not at all intend to read the next ones in the series. To be completely honest, I initially only read this to pass the time before reading more horror/gothic books ready for Halloween.

Somehow, I shocked myself! I dont like giving up on books so I am glad I continued. And while it's not the most amazing story I have ever read, I did enjoy parts of it, and I am glad at the way it differentiated itself from the other two series I mentioned. I probably won't read the next few books in the series straight away, however I am actually interested in what happens next, so I will get round to it at some point in the future.