A review by kiiitasticbooks
Love, Naturally by Sophie Sullivan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 68%.
I was actually really excited to see our main character, Presley, get her life changed by this book at the beginning.

Love, Naturally opens with Presley surprising her boyfriend with a ten day trip to a fishing lodge for his birthday. She doesn’t like fishing (or nature), but she knows he really does, and she thinks he’ll really love it.

But then he says their relationship isn’t as serious as she thinks it is and asks to bring a friend instead of her, so she walks out and takes the trip for herself.

Unfortunately, after this first scene, the rest of this book took a nosedive for me.

Presley meets a guy, Beckett, and the two instantly fall in love with each other. I don’t mind a bit of instant attraction (sometimes people are hot, and I respect that), but this was seriously insta-love. When you’re bending over backwards to accommodate someone you’ve barely met? When you’ve only known each other for a couple days, but you’re already wondering how you’ll be able to live without them when this trip is over?


I actually ended up having a few days where I was too busy to read, and when I came back to this book, I read about 5-10 more pages before deciding I couldn’t possibly read a single word more. The thought of finishing this book had me stressed, so I decided to DNF it instead.