A review by sadiecass
Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast


Whoosh...Imma need a minute to process this...


Seriously...I have to come back...I have a headache from the intensity of my reading this...it's...wow.

7/18 - Back. Still not sure I can properly review this.

This story was an intense mashup. Hints of beauty & the beast could be found within...but the level of backstory, the world building, and the development of the characters was all spot on.

I liked having the POV of both Raven and August. The evolution of their relationship was believable and interesting. It wasn't an easy path, and there was a lot of friction and bumps along the way.
The two were thrown into their circumstances without choice. They were both trapped in that tower in the end...and they both came out.

But the end...oy, the end...I know there's more coming, but it won't be fast enough. I have to know what happens next...

Copy received free via netgalley. All opinions are my own.