A review by krys_and_books
The Door to the Lost by Jaleigh Johnson


Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Rook and Drift are two best friends with particular magical skills trying to survive in a world that doesn’t trust magic after an incident that caused mass destruction and left behind “the exiles”, children from a world full of magic. Rook, our MC, can open doorways to wherever, or she could if she had a better hold of her magic. She, along with Drift who can create winds and fly/float/fall with style, use their skill sets to stay ahead of those who don’t want them around. After one memorable incident she accidentally opens a door that lets in Fox, an exile, a boy who can shift into fox form and uses shadows.
One day they come across a woman who claims to come from the same world they did, an adult who survived, and tells them they can use their magic to save this world and return to their own. Tempting of course, but these things are never easy and the truth less so.
It’s a fun magical ride. I loved the relationship between Rook and Drift and how easily Fox fell into their dynamic.
Fun fast read. Recommend fo someone looking to add some magic to their reading.