A review by ezichinny
Softly at Sunrise by Maya Banks


this book was [b:The Darkest Hour|6634409|The Darkest Hour (KGI, #1)|Maya Banks|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327927870s/6634409.jpg|6828809] 2.0 as it revisited Ethan and Rachel Kelly.
If you remember at the end of Book 1, Rachel and Ethan were trying to rebuild their marriage and their life after the kidnapping and almost divorce.

Here, they are building a new house and trying to make new memories. Rachel is trying to get back in the work force and get her feet on solid ground again. These two are finally headed in the right direction when Rachel gets in another bind. Will this one finally break their fragile bond?

Rachel has come a long way and so has Ethan. The Kelly men were raised well. Kudos to Frank and Marlene as they take their job, country and family very seriously. Ethan is being as supportive as he can and Rachel is doing her part with counseling too.

I am very glad the author gave us the epilogue to show us that these two loving couple are having brighter days.