A review by mlindsey441
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee


How did I miss this book all these years? Part of the high-school rite of passage that someone I missed, probably because I talked my way into some honors Junior class because there was a boy in there that I liked and skipped 10th grade English. Ah, but I digress.

I suspect that this book is wasted on youth. I think its simple message and loveliness is killed in our attempt to study it, write papers about it, and make dioramas of the thing. I listened to most of this as an audio book, read by Sissy Spacek and if you haven't read the book (or haven't since high school), I highly recommend you list to her read. Her voice will always be Scout's voice in my head. She made me fall in love with Scout and the world that surrounded Atticus Finch. And I loved that I was able to just enjoy the story, think about it, and then let it be.

This is now one of my favorite books and that is probably because I did NOT read it in high school. That and Sissy, whose voice I used to hate, but have strangely come to love over the past month of listening to her read to me.