A review by peytonm
Petty Treasons by Victoria Goddard


I love love LOVE this look at Cliopher and the Emperor's early relationship from the Emperor's POV! I adored how his knowledge of history and magic fits into his perspective. And the pronoun shifts! The Emperor's so happy to have found someone competent with a sense of humor, and he becomes more himself again ;_; I simply adore them!!

Knowing the events of [b:The Hands of the Emperor|43525897|The Hands of the Emperor|Victoria Goddard|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1547081914l/43525897._SY75_.jpg|67696698] made this novella even more poignant. And learning the historical meaning behind The Hands of the Emperor! I'm rationing the other novellas to give myself like little candy pick-me-ups because wow Victoria Goddard's writing is amazing and this world is incredible.