A review by javalenciaph
Kaleidoscope Hearts by Claire Contreras


Read the full review on Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous.

Elle and Oliver's non-relationship lasts for nearly a decade, with a lot of stop-and-go going on between them. Your heart can't help but break for Elle, who, in spite of an engagement with her late live-in boyfriend, always seems to set herself up for disappointment when it comes to Oliver aka Bean. There's no denying the depth of their feelings for one another, but Oliver appeared to take Elle for granted, constantly assuming that she would be there when he was finally ready for an actual relationship with her.

Oliver is a highly driven individual, with his primary focus on his education and then his medical career. There are reasons for his being as ambitious as he is, which certainly makes it easier to comprehend his actions. Still, there's no denying that there's a fair amount of frustration when it comes to his inability to commit to something (anything!) when it comes to Elle. Yes, he's always loved her, but doing absolutely nothing or the bare minimum to keep the connection going makes him increasingly unworthy of dear Elle.

This love story is more about having the right kind of love at the wrong time, especially considering how many opportunities Elle and Oliver had to be much more than they were for so long. Sometimes, a person simply wants to be secure in the knowledge that they matter and that the love they have for you is valued and appreciated. You can't help but wish people know the kind of gift they have in their hands, but sometimes, losing it is what makes opens your eyes to the truth. Kaleidoscope Hearts gets five-plus stars. ♥