A review by heartscontent
Everything for You by Chloe Liese


You can find this review of Everything for You on my blog, Heart's Content!

Received an Advanced Reader’s Copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

*clears out cobwebs, dusts, sneezes from said dust, mops until she can see her reflection*

*peeks to look at everyone* Hi. I’m back.

I know it’s been almost a month since my last post, however I have a fantastic excus—REASON. Fantastic reason. My cousin got married!! *dances around for five minutes* From that extrememly wonderful day onwards it has been day after day of many many social meets—you can ask anyone, I’m not lying about this. However, I’m back and I’m happy to say I’m here to review a book before it’s release date. Woot woot.

The first book that broke the long break was Chloe Liese’s Everything for You. Chloe’s books have always been comfort reads for me with a dash of humour, a sprinkle of heart wrenching and more than a few heart warming moments. So far, I have always been able to relate to every single character at some point in their story and I’m proper obsessed with her writing and work. She is constantly ensuring her work represents well and is forever making sure that we are well warned about the content before we enter.

Everything for You, like most of Chloe’s stories, is sweet (omgsomuchangstbutsoverysweet). There are many familiar moments that we’ve seen over the series, of the love between the family and the constant support they offer one another. We see some small surprises that are heart warming and many quiet but big moments of being truly seen by the people you love and who love you.

Chloe constantly reminds me with every one of her books how different someone’s life can be from the what we presume from the person that we see them to be on the outside. Additionally the gentle lessons her books teach us, the warmth with which she reminds us that even risks can feel safe with the right people—and not just the people that we are romantically inclined towards—is the best best besssst.

One of her characters has anxiety and the other suffers with chronic pain. The first time I ever read a book where a protagonist had anxiety (Natalia Jaster’s Dare) I weeped for hours. It made me feel so much more … loved, somehow. Like who I am and what I am is a reality that wasn’t in my head. Chloe has always done the same with her work and I’m forever grateful for her for writing about characters by breaking the idea the readers have of them and showing us the truth.

Chloe, IMHO, is the Queen of unravelling the inner workings of a character’s mind; of watching as they grow from where they are to places they only dreamed of reaching. I loved watching Oliver and Gavin tear at the seams of their internal struggles and break free; reaching out, being honest and truthful with those around them and themselves. Chloe makes falling in love feel real. Not magical and fantastical, but real and that in itself makes it wondrous.

Definitely recommend this series to anyone! Five stars!