A review by tmvallehoag
But What If We're Wrong? Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past by Chuck Klosterman


A fascinating book. Klosterman is not asserting that we could be wrong so much as asking the question of what would happen if we are. When I first picked up this book I assumed that 90% of it would be about science but this is a book about culture and the assumptions we make about how we will be perceived as a generation.

This is also not a political book. Politics are discussed, but Klosterman’s thesis isn’t an attempt to reinvent the wheel of any discipline.

The lens this book takes on culture is a really interesting way to analyze the zeitgeist. It will convince you that you *could* actually be wrong. And once you believe that, you’ll find yourself being a lot more honest with ideological and cultural assumptions you never really questioned. It’s a humbling experience we all need in an era when internet posting culture has conditioned us to have strong beliefs about everything and political polarization has eliminated our ability to honestly analyze the basis of our own assumptions about truth.