A review by yapha
The Path of Names by Ari B. Goelman


I loved this book. It has an amazing mix of themes that I have not seen anywhere else. Plus, it was based in a Habonim-like summer camp, a sister to my own camp, which was so accurately portrayed, it brought me right back there!

Dahlia's parents are bribing her to spend first session at her older brother's camp in exchange for a week at the magic camp that she really wants to go to. She has absolutely no desire to spend three weeks at a Jewish summer camp in the woods. Once she gets there, though, strange things begin to happen. She sees two girls in old-fashioned clothing seemingly disappear through the wall of her cabin. She begins to have vivid dreams about a young ultra-Orthodox nan in New York in the 1930s. Stranger still, the book in her dream appears in her activity group about Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism). Dahlia's time at camp goes quickly as she figures out the connection between all of these events, and even makes some friends in the process. A little scary, it is great for readers who want a mystery replete with ghosts, magic, and summer camp. Recommended for grades 5-8.