A review by vanessa177
Perfect by Sara Shepard


I'm not even sure how to rate books by Sara Shepard anymore. This book has a lot of problems. It took ages for the plot to really begin. A lot of the book felt like filler. We see the same scene retold at least half a dozen times, and new information is not always revealed. Often, I start to wonder why the girls aren't acting a little more paranoid. The are not actively trying to figure out who A is, and they continually give A new blackmail material. A big portion of the plot deals with repressed memories, which just seems like a cheap plot device, especially since it is only really introduced in this book. The prose is purple but also as shallow as possible.

I even have some issues with characterization. Hanna's mother is home sometimes now, and she even expresses a mild amount of concern for Hanna. Spencer's parents somehow become slightly sympathetic, but it is all through things that we're told rather than shown. Okay, they're not sympathetic, but they are at least out of the running for most terrible parents in this series. Sean is no longer a perfect saint, without any real reason. (Don't worry, he's being replaced by a new saintly teenage boy.) Melissa sprouts a mustache for twirling purposes and becomes a cartoon villain.

Despite all of this, Pretty Little Liars remains really good trash. The first half of the book is so boring; however, Shepard brings this book to the most climactic conclusion possible without making any reveals. The last ten chapters, at least, are filled with suspense. A is really doing their best to ruin these girls' lives, and it is the perfect hook to come back for more. Until I reached the climax, this review would have completely bashed the book. It might have even reached one star level at some points. But I'm reading these books for the explosive endings, and this one really delivered.