A review by tekchic
Tamed, by Douglas R. Brown


The premise of this story was so intriguing that I dropped whatever novel I was reading at the time and instantly went for this one. The concept of the ultra-rich having werewolves as pets? LOVED it! Sure, nothing could go wrong with buying little Richie Rich a pet "werg", right?

Loved the fast-paced storyline and plot the most. This book is a quick, super fun read, and I enjoyed it reading it on the couch over the weekend.

Christine is an EMT who answers a distress call and ends up tangling with a rogue werewolf pet and she gets pretty scratched up in the process. Suddenly her body begins to change and she realizes that she's becoming a werewolf. But the darkness goes far deeper than that, as she's about to discover.

The action scenes were well-written and I love how quickly things moved from scene to scene and the progression felt fast, but believable. While this book was a highly entertaining read, I had a few small issues with the writing -- there were elements that I felt could have used some editing. For example, "he tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes", as well as the use of "hunger pains" instead of "hunger pangs" bugged me a little.

I also didn't like how magically quickly the Christine fell in love with Aiden. I think a bit more mistrust between them would have served the story better to drive it along, making the reader want to root for them to become a couple.

I would love to see more of this story in future books -- I felt like it wrapped up far too quickly and neatly. However it did leave me looking forward to reading the next installment, should there be one. Trilogy, perhaps? I feel like there's more story to tell here!

This book was provided to me free of charge by NetGalley, but in no way influences my star rating or review.