A review by gingerlaura
Significance by Shelly Crane


2,5 stars

This book was a MESS. I picked it up because I do love the whole soulmate theme, but this was one of those books that just missed the mark.

Plot and Worldbuilding
The plot was very weak. Besides the obvious soulmate happening, the problems with the rival clan were barely there. It would've done the story good to push that more to the front, to just add something more to the story than the sappy 'I need to touch you or else i'll get sick'. The worldbuilding wasn't the best either. There are things missing in the story about the abilities, how is one clan stronger than the other, why did every clan stop imprinting when it just seems like a feud between two clans, also seems weird that there are no clans in Asia at all, what are their origins? How did their kind came to existence?? Just a lot of things we probably will never learn the answers to.

The characters were weak. I missed passion and personality with the main characters. They were decent, but they just felt really flat. Moreover, I think the big family of Virtuoso was very confusing. We get uncles, aunts, grandparents and who-knows-what at their gatherings, but we barely get to know them so it's difficult to learn who is who. Last but not least there are some weird characters. Kyle is borderline obsessed with her all of a sudden, even though they've known each other a long time he didn't act on it until she met Caleb. Then we have Rachel, Maggie's supposedly best friend who doesn't seem to really care about her best friend being kidnapped. And then we have Maggie's dad, who goes from seriously depressed to protective dad in the span of a few hours.

Other things
This book is in need of some serious editing. I'm not a native English speaker so I'm sure I've missed some, but the grammar and spelling are seriously BAD. Misspellings such as 'capitol' instead of 'capital', 'confidant' instead of 'confident', 'your welcome' instead of 'you're welcome' and 'were' instead of 'we're' are just some examples of reoccurring spelling errors. It almost felt like reading an amateur fanfic, it didn't feel like a professional book at all with all these mistakes. Another thing to mention is that the conversations didn't really flow nicely at times, and were quite repetitive too.

In short, the soulmate thing was cool, the first 100 pages were pretty okay, but then it started going downhill with a plot that didn't really lift off, no character development and alot of spelling and grammar mistakes.

(This reviews became longer than I intended to woops, guess I needed this rant haha