A review by bibliomaineiac
Daffodil Hill: Uprooting My Life, Buying a Farm, and Learning to Bloom by Jake Keiser


First off, thank you to the publisher for the copy I received. While some giveaway books are "eh," this one turned out to be one the rare 5 stars. The author, Jake, is living the high life in Florida, busy life, great business (if you don't mind being at the beck and call of others. But finding this lacking in the fulfillment department, she takes the plunge and purchases a farm in rural Mississippi. Without having any experience in working on a farm or actually caring for any of the animals she has made a "wish spreadsheet" of. I chuckled at times at her experiences. Sometimes I wanted to cry. A few times I wanted to tell her to "smarten up' (thinking of Paul). But, no matter what, I enjoyed it all. In a way, it gave me Under the Tuscan Sun vibes.