A review by haletostilinski1
In the Requiem by Hailey Turner



I'm crying happy and sad tears after finishing this.

Damn, Turner really puts us through the wringer in this. It's the last book in this series, or at least last full length novel, and Turner does not pull any punches.

She gives us the happy times, the sexy times, the tense times, the utterly heartbreaking times, and the action packed times. She gives us it all.

This continues a few months after Sean and Alexei's short story, [b:Out of the Ashes|38487708|Out of the Ashes (Metahuman Files Classified, #1)|Hailey Turner|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1518394654s/38487708.jpg|59903259] left off, and for this we go back to alternating POV's of Jamie, Kyle, Sean and Alexei. And this story is one where all our fave characters go through the ringer, but while [b:In the Blood|37551376|In the Blood (Metahuman Files, #4)|Hailey Turner|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1513460001s/37551376.jpg|58468247] put Alexei and Sean through the wringer the most, Jamie and Kyle go through the wringer in this one.

Not to worry though, it does work out, because I don't know what I'd do if I didn't get my happy for now's and happy endings. I'd freak. But that doesn't make the lead up to the HEA easy in the least.

Stanislav is planning to put his master plan to fruition in this book, and it all comes to one crazy, wild head that I did NOT see coming and you guys won't see coming. It's crazy, it's tear inducing, maybe even rage inducing, but it is WORTH it, SO worth it.

Because this was the culmination of the story for the past 4 books and lingering questions and storylines I've been wondering how Turner would fix or close up is answered in this book, and how Alpha Team and our two couples make it through and how they get to that ultimate happy ending.

Since Sean and Alexei already went through hell and made it through to the other side, they're mostly good in this, in a solid, happy place and I LOVED their scenes together. They're so perfect for each other.

Jamie and Kyle were of course solid and happy too, they just had shit happen to them that was nOT FAIR. But again, it all works out.

Also, yES, what Simone was talking about in her review and her first update about a "special guest" is nothing to worry about, it was actually SUPER hot. Like DAMn, Jamie and Kyle are always SO hot in their sex scenes together. DAMN. You guys will love it, no doubt. I know I did. Whew *fansself*

This book was just...YES. SO GOOD. It had all the action and adventure of the all the previous books that I have loved so much, it had the romance that I adore, the sex that is always smoKING hot with this author, especially between Jamie and Kyle, and while you'll probably sob (as I totally did!) at one point, we come to a satisfactory conclusion that will make you giddy. Or well, at least happy. It made me incredibly happy - and also sad that we're done with this wonderful, amazing series.

Hopefully we either get short stories of
SpoilerJamie and Kyle's and Sean and Alexei's weddings!
or just of our fave couples after the series or a spin off series with Liam over in England. He deserves his own great love story mhmm. Or both, I'd love both ;)

But just know that this was superb, amazing, and definitely worth your time and energy to read. Two massive thumbs up from me. BEAUTIFUL ending <3

**ARC provided by the Alpha Book Club in exchange for an honest review***