A review by chllybrd
Cheating Death by April White


I don't think I can properly explain how much I have loved the Immortal Descendants series. From the moment I started reading Saira's story I was hooked. The characters, the places, the villains, the history, the adventure, the dialogue, the romance, the drama... I've truly loved it all.

*Contains minor spoilers from CHEATING DEATH and WAGING WAR

The end of WAGING WAR left me yearning to find out what happened, if Archer was still alive and how Saira would get back to him. I have to tell you, when I started reading CHEATING DEATH I had to force myself not to skip ahead and make sure they truly get back to each other and everything turns out OK. It was torture to hold myself back, but I did it and I am glad I did or I would have missed a great journey.

CHEATING DEATH doesn't waste time diving back into the storyline. The pace is steady, the adventures are both dangerous and informative and the characters are as engaging and entertaining as ever.

I'm really sad that this series is over. CHEATING DEATH did a great job of wrapping up the current storyline, but I still feel like there is so much more story to share. I want to see what kind of a man Ringo turns out to be, I want to see Saira and Archer start a family. I want to see how all of my other favorite characters in The Immortal Descendants series end up. There is just so much more I feel like I need to know. April White, please keep writing about these characters, even if it's just a novella length epilogue. I would gladly read more.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.