A review by aligroen
The Storm Lords by Ravon Silvius


A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:
Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5

This was a wonderful and well thought out story. This story takes place in a well thought out world that sounds similar to earth but with some very big differences. Rowen’s life has been very harsh when Kristoff rescues him and hopes that he may finally be able to help out his home village, if even from a distance.

Rowen works hard to master his abilities but what he feels isn’t quite what Kristoff and the other Storm Lords describe. His lack of ability to communicate easily causes some of the problems and also keeps himself separate from those around him. Kristoff isn’t sure what to do with his new charge but is willing to do his part of being a mentor. Their feelings grow but both don’t want to cause any problems and don’t let their feelings known until it’s almost too late.

This story is told from both MCs points of view so we are able to understand their thoughts and emotions. Rowen works so hard to become what Kristoff said he was but when they find out how his powers really work his safety and that of those around him is put at risk. Kristoff tries to deny how he is feeling about Rowan and can’t help but be even more protective of Rowan as he works with him. I felt for Rowan when he was suddenly taken from his home and all he has ever known to a new and foreign place and when he fears that he will cause harm to others with his powers. I loved seeing Kristoff actually learn about how the choices for their world are made but he wants to make it better with Rowan.

Cover art by Aaron Anderson is absolutely perfect for this story.