A review by nonsensicaljourney
Overland Issue 204, by Charlotte Wood, Anthony Panegyres, John Kinsella, Rjurik Davidson, Jeff Sparrow, Jacinda Woodhead, Jane Gleeson-White, Jennifer Mills


I wanted to give some literary journals a go, so I picked up this old copy of Overland Literary Magazine from the library, from 2011. It was relatively short, but somehow took me quite a while to read, as each piece was different and it took me a while to dive back in when I picked up the book each time.

Overland is a progressive literary magazine, largely non-fiction articles about interesting current topics, with a little bit of poetry and what I'd probably describe as a literary-fiction-Aussie short story or two. None of this is particularly my cup of tea, and given the job I do involves a lot of non-fiction reading of current events and important issues, it wasn't easy to slip into on my break and it took me a while to read.

This wasn't really a fair experience of Overland, I think, because it wasn't the current edition - in fact, it was far from it. I hope to one day pick up a more recent set of articles, because even reading the old Overland was intellectually stimulating because it brought up issues of world politics and people politics, all of a progressive bent, that intrigued me. It told me people's personal tales and had interesting interviews with people I'd never heard of but suddenly wanted to know more about. I think this is probably a really high quality literary magazine to read regularly, particularly because there were at least a few articles in it that I really loved and admired.