A review by theresidentbookworm
Gamora #2 by Marco Checchetto, Nicole Perlman, Esad Ribić


The Best Of: Memento Mori, Part Two (Gamora #2)

1. A great opening space fight scene. It's amazingly drawn and colored, and the details in the two pages of panels are staggering. I'm very impressed with the art in this book so far.

2. Gamora implying that Nebula taught Gamora how to play chicken. Please tell me, how do Thanos's daughters play chicken? Does involve trying to murder each other? I feel like it involves bodily harm or murder somehow

3. Again, I have to praise the art by Marco Checchetto. When looking at the page of panels where Gamora's ship is starting to go do, I could feel the shakiness. The images are almost three dimensional.

4. A kickass alien girl with awesome green hair who easily defeats men who think they can take advantage of her. I have a feeling she will be important.

5. Gamora's absolute love of trolling Thanos. "Thanos loves this ship. It's the best of his fleet. He'll be furious when he learns I've totaled it. Guess there's a silver lining to everything."

6. L'Wit's (yes, this is the green haired girl's name) badass dive onto the motorcycle and off to get to the shipwreck for parts.
Spoiler Did I mention that she's that princess that Gamora is there to kill?

7. Gamora and L'Wit's entire interaction: the banter, the fighting, and the potential for a great friendship.
Spoiler I mean, Gamora is there to kill her and everything, but every friendship has its obstacles
Gamora could take her under her wing. It would be great. No issues at all.

8. How precious and innocent L'Wit is. It's just beautiful. "I don't expect you to believe me. But I've got a reason to believe in miracles."

9. This amazing quip for Gamora as she waits to be sacrificed. "If you think sacrifice is going to stop a black hole... Then I'm guessing physics wasn't your best subject."

10. I didn't take about the cover before, but the cover art from Esad Ribic is really beautiful. It's in a watercolor style, which I love.