A review by horseyhayls
The Islamic Republic of Australia by Sami Shah


Finally, a review. Better late than never, right?

A very funny take of a topical and divided issue in Australia right now. As a Pakistani, comedian, and ex-Muslim, this is a unique perspective with a relaxed and humorous tone in a growing genre of literature on the subject which tends to be far more serious, a bit angry, and very political. Not that Sami Shah doesn't get political; he does present a helpful kind of Islam 101, going through the basics of the culture and politics of the religion, and sorts out a few misconceptions about the "Muslim community" in Australia (including the idea that the community is one homogeneous group). Throughout the book, Shah also addresses many issues including Islamophobia (maybe the touchiest subject in this country at the moment) in a way which requires everyone to stop taking themselves too seriously and have a bit of a laugh. No one is safe from Shah's gentle ridicule and that's just what we need right now.

My thanks to NetGalley and ABC Books for providing me with a free electronic copy of this book for review purposes.