A review by sambora
A Time of Courage by John Gwynne



A Time Of Courage feels like a single huge 600+ page battle.
Now... That may sound a bit daunting or "over the top" to those who haven't read anything by John Gwynne before, but those that have know that his large-scale battle coordination and his visceral skirmish descriptions are some of the absolute best that the genre has to offer.
I hope that this helps make it clear as to the sheer volume of high quality writing this book contains.

The story of A Time Of Courage also develops the various factions that have been featured throughout the series(') in a much more nuanced way than some of the previous entries.
Rather than the good and the bad, we have all sorts of complex grey areas and overlaps. These grey areas and crossovers make the character motivations of those that belong to each faction much more multifaceted and far more unpredictable.

I said that this book reads like a single huge battle, but in truth, of course, that isn't entirely the case. It is extremely fast paced and action packed, but there are also very poignant moments of rest and reprieve in which our characters learn, grow and bond.
Family, friendship and companionship are key themes employed throughout most of Mr. Gwynne's stories, but rarely more so than here. It is so freshing and heartwarming to read of these relationships, but also therefore so utterly devastating if or when these get torn apart.
There hasn't been a single book set in the Banished Lands that hasn't at some point brought me to tears of either joy or sadness or both.

'Love, loyalty and friendship shall be my guiding light.'

There is always a lot riding on the end of a series, particularly an epic fantasy series such as this. Quite often the ending falls a little short, but I am very happy to say this series ends on a strong note.
There was a lot that happened in this book that surprised me. I do not wish to spoil anything for those that have yet to read it, but if you are this far in the series then I assure you that you, like me, shall be very satisfied with it's conclusion.

5 Stars

As one series comes to an end, I am left with my excitement for what is coming next from Mr. Gwynne, in the form of the wonderfully titled [b:The Dragon Unchained|52694527|The Dragon Unchained (The Bloodsworn Saga, #1)|John Gwynne|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|73710031], the first book in 'The Bloodsworn Saga'.
But, until then, truth and courage.


Thank you for reading my review. I hope you are all keeping well, staying safe and reading good books.