A review by kellyhager
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Do All the Good You Can by Cynthia Levinson


The first thing you should know about this is that it's very pro-Hillary Clinton. (As a liberal, this doesn't bother me at all, but if you are looking for a neutral portrait, this is not for you.)

I enjoyed this and there were a lot of things about Hillary I didn't know. (Like basically anything about her childhood.) Also, I was 12 when Bill Clinton was elected president and I didn't really develop a political interest until I was older, so I was really only dimly aware of her as first lady until his second term.

It's funny now the controversy that she caused for doing things like wanting to work and be the first lady of Arkansas and for not taking her husband's last name. (And honestly, I want to give her a high five for both those things---although now, of course, she's Hillary Clinton and not Hillary Rodham. And there's nothing wrong with compromise, so a high five for that, too.)

I haven't decided who I'm voting for for president, but this book made me like Hillary more than I did before. (And honestly, I liked her before.)

If you like badass women who get shit done, read this book. (Note: it's written for young adult audiences.)