A review by crizzle
Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood by Foster Cline, Jim Fay


1.5 stars. 5 stars for the basic Love and Logic principles we know and love, big fat ZERO stars for a lot of the homophobia and gender roles in here!!!! I was blown away by this book, as I’ve read Parenting with Love and Logic, and Parenting Early Childhood with Love and Logic; in the hopes of making it stick better in my parenting style, this is the third summer in a row I’ve read a L&L book. The other two are absolutely fine but this one for the teen years I DO NOT RECOMMEND. A new edition was just released in 2020, and you’d think they could have hired some rational thinking millennial to proofread this crap, clearly written by two old white guys for parenting Gen Xers. (Even the teen names were ones like Craig, Susan, Brad…)
The worst of the worst was the “actual” conversation a mother had with her teenage daughter about STDs, a bunch of made up nonsense that sounded like Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin having a birds and the bees talk with her daughter. “Shoot, folks say those darn bugs’ll make yer cervix ripped up and the sperm can’t get on the elevator up the Fallopian tubes.” True story. Then, still under the guise of being a “true story” (which L&L readers know already to take with a grain of salt… everyone sounds the same: cheesy) the daughter grows up, goes off to college, and violating all of the HIPPA laws, the parents get a letter from the university student health doctor congratulating them on their daughter’s virginity!!!!!!!! I’m not making this up, but someone else sure was.
And what was with the thing against boys getting their ear pierced? The lesson is you can’t control what they do to their body but it’s implied this is a major issue, also is your son gay??