A review by nwhyte
Doctor Who: The Target Storybook by Terrance Dicks, Simon Guerrier, Jenny T. Colgan



I loved this. It's a collection of Doctor Who short stories, edited by Steve Cole with contributions from Joy Wilkinson, Simon Guerrier, the much-missed Terrance Dicks, Matthew Sweet, Susie Day, Matthew "Adric" Waterhouse, Colin "Sixth Doctor" Baker, Mike Tucker, Cole himself, George Mann, Una McCormack, Jacqueline Rayner, Beverly Sanford and Vinay Patel. It's a bit invidious to single out individual stories, but I will anyway: Terrance Dicks last controibution to the Whoniverse expands the concept of Series 6B, with the Second Doctor on mission for the Time Lords; Susie Day looks at the Fourth Doctor and Romana punting; Una McCormack looks at the back story of Clive from the TV episode Rose; Jenny Colgan looks at the alternative Tenth Doctor who ends up with Rose; even George Mann is on decent form. The whole thing comes with a beautiful wraparound cover featuring all the Doctors (and Adric). Excellent stuff.