A review by mrs_george
Stupid Girl by Cindy Miles


Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a copy!

I have really been lucking out with my recent NA reads. This is one that is right up there with my favorites!

First off, I finally get how people say they're "in love " with characters. I love Brax! I'm a sucker for an accent and the way the authored handled Brax's, I was always reading it with that Boston accent. It really helped make his character. I'm usually not one for cockiness but I found him so endearing. I've said before how I'm not a fan of violence and while Brax is hot-tempered and handles things with his fists, I was more tolerant after understanding his background.

Olivia, although she'll always be Gracie, was a very sweet but strong-willed girl. I loved how her confidence and self-esteem grew through the book.

We've all read NAs where the girl has undergone a traumatic past but manages to fall quickly in love (and in bed) despite it. I really didn't feel this was the case with Olivia and Brax. Her trust in him really grew in a believable way. When they did become intimate, it was on her terms and not immediate.

There were a few questions that never really got addressed. It wasn't enough though to detract from the story. I hope we get to see more of Brax and Olivia and maybe get more finality.