A review by snoakes7001
Here She Comes Now: Essays on Women in Music by Jeff Gordinier


I shamelessly blagged an ARC of this as I thought it would be right up my (Tin Pan) Alley.

I must confess that I hadn't heard of any of the writers in this collection, although I am familiar with a couple by their work. In contrast though I've heard of all the musicians featured. Obviously I know some better than others and indeed like some considerably more than others, but no matter - the pieces in this book aren't about my taste. Each writer has taken a female musician and written a piece about why this person's music matters so much to them. The result is fascinating - some of the writing is deeply personal and most of it transports you back to those teenage years when the music you liked defined you and your gang in an almost tribal fashion. Excellent stuff - highly recommended for any book-reading music lover.