A review by turnherintoliterature
The Extinction Gambit by Michael Pryor


[ This review was originally posted on my blog: http://turnherintoliterature.tumblr.com/ ]

This is a strange confession for me to make, but here goes. I love steampunk. It’s a brilliant world, the mix of the period costumes and a certain inventiveness that we lack in the real world.

Gail Carriger is by far my favourite steampunk author, but Michael Pryor could be moving up the list (though not necessarily supplanting her) with his Extraordinaires series.

Take one werewolf magician, one albino inventor, Rudyard Kipling (he of ‘The Jungle Book’ fame), and add in a multitude of people trying to kill them, fabulous inventions, and a whole host of cunning plans, and you have ‘The Extinction Gambit’ in a nutshell.

To say more than that would be to give too much away, so if you like a mad caper (even if you’ve never delved into steampunk before), this is a highly enjoyable read, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series, simply to see what Pryor can do next.